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Pro Se Custody Clinics

Hosted by the North Carolina Bar Association Paralegal Division and Family Law Section

  • The purpose of this project is to provide legal assistance and guidance to low-income parents who cannot afford an attorney by assisting them with correctly completing self-serve custody packets. This will be accomplished by utilizing paralegals to pre-screen potential clients of the clinic to confirm their eligibility (i.e., confirm the correct venue and confirm that they need to file a complaint and not an answer), utilize paralegals for a detailed intake, and partner paralegals with attorneys at the in-person clinic to complete the custody complaint packets so that clients can file them pro se.
  • This project will engage 10-15 attorneys and 15-20 paralegals. Initial virtual training will be provided to train volunteers on how to conduct client pre-screening and intake interviews. Paralegals will be mentored and supervised by attorneys, both virtually and in person, through the entire process, from pre-screening through the clinic.
  • Types of services to be rendered include limited legal services, client counseling, and document drafting.

Volunteer and client information coming soon!