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NCBA Pro Bono Initiatives

The pro bono and civic education programs team of the North Carolina Bar Foundation supports NCBA Sections, Divisions and Committees to organize pro bono and civic education initiatives that engage their members in service. If you are an NCBA member with an interest in organizing a pro bono or civic education initiative with your NCBA Section, Division or Committee, please reach out to us at [email protected] to learn more about ways that NCBA+NCBF staff and resources are available to support your initiative.


Hosted by the North Carolina Bar Association Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Committee The LGBTQ+ Legal Clinic seeks to support transgender North Carolinians in drafting the required documents and filings for seeking a legal name change to affirm their gender. This project will engage attorneys, paralegals and law students through scheduled clinics. A one-hour training will be provided at the…

Hosted by the North Carolina Bar Association Paralegal Division and Family Law Section The purpose of this project is to provide legal assistance and guidance to low-income parents who cannot afford an attorney by assisting them with correctly completing self-serve custody packets. This will be accomplished by utilizing paralegals to pre-screen potential clients of the clinic to confirm their eligibility…

Hosted by the North Carolina Bar Association Elder and Special Needs Law Section To qualify for nursing home Medicaid benefits, individuals must satisfy complicated financial eligibility rules. The rules involve a concept called Medicaid estate recovery- which requires states to attempt to recover Medicaid benefits for nursing home services from a recipients probate estate after death. Because the only asset…

Hosted by the North Carolina Bar Association Sports and Entertainment Law Section On July 1, 2021, the NCAA changed its amateurism rules to allow student-athletes to profit from their Name, Image and Likeness. This sudden change in policy left student-athletes and their institutions scrambling to deal with the multitude of ways that student-athletes can now market, promote, endorse, represent, etc….

Hosted by the North Carolina Bar Association Military & Veterans Law Section The Military and Veterans Law Section (MVLS) will partner with the Veterans Life Center in Butner to provide pro bono referrals and legal clinics to help meet the needs of program participants, who are otherwise homeless veterans who reside at the Center but come from communities across the…

Hosted by the North Carolina Bar Association Paralegal Division and International Practice Section This project is a partnership with the NCBA Paralegal Division and Church World Services. Volunteers will work with Church World Services to assist and prepare naturalization filings and assist those pursuing Afghani Humanitarian Parolees status. At this time the project will be launching with only paralegals but…

The Privacy and Data Security Section Opt-Inspire Initiative is a pro bono project dedicated to educating senior citizens on crucial topics such as privacy, cybersecurity, and navigating the digital landscape.  Senior citizens are especially vulnerable to scams, both online and otherwise, due to often having limited digital literacy. These engaging and interactive sessions will cover practical tips to protect personal information,…

The NCBA Real Property Section has partnered with NC legal services organizations Legal Aid of North Carolina, Pisgah Legal Services, and Land Loss Prevention Project to develop a clearinghouse of pro bono volunteers to assist legal services clients with heir property issues. Heir property issues include a wide range of both real property and estate planning matters. This project serves…