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Wills for Heroes

The Wills for Heroes program partners with local fire, police, and EMS stations/departments to host clinics where volunteer attorneys draft simple wills, health care power of attorney, financial power of attorney, and advance directive documents for first responders and their families, free of charge.

Upcoming Wills for Heroes Clinics

If you are an attorney or paralegal and would like to receive information about upcoming Wills for Heroes volunteer opportunities, please complete the volunteer interest form and view the volunteer training video.

About Wills for Heroes Services

The North Carolina Bar Foundation Wills for Heroes program is available to first responders and their spouses. WFH provides simple wills, health care powers of attorney, and powers of attorney to eligible first responders. All clients must be North Carolina residents and spouses must be legally married. The documents and information that will be provided by WFH volunteers are designed for small or modest estates (under $5 million in total assets) and the information provided by WFH volunteers is general in nature. Large estates or complicated legal matters pertaining to modest estates that require more time and assistance than can be provided by the WFH summary services are not covered under the WFH program and should be handled by more experienced estate, tax, and probate lawyers. Clients with blended families that include minor children are not eligible for a Will due to issues of custody outside the scope of this clinic but can receive a Health Care Power of Attorney and/or Power of Attorney document.

The following issues are beyond the scope of the WFH program; therefore, neither NCBF nor WFH volunteers are able to provide any legal assistance in these areas:

  • Beneficiary designations on any assets, including land;
  • Estate, gift, income, and/or Generation Skipping Transfer tax issues;
  • Trusts for special needs children or beneficiaries;
  • Charitable trusts;
  • Citizenship/domicile of a member of the military and/or spouse;
  • Business ownership or family business holdings;
  • Assets held outside of the United States of America; or
  • Any other issues, as determined by the program administrators, that are complicated, difficult, or will require significant time and expertise beyond the scope of the Wills for Heroes program.

Are you a first responder organization that would like to host a Wills For Heroes clinic at your site? Let us know! EmailĀ [email protected].