NCBF Bar Exam Laptop Fee Grant
The NCBF maintains a purpose-restricted fund within its Endowment that provides support for NC law school students taking the NC bar exam. The fund makes grants available to reimburse exam-takers for the cost of the bar exam laptop fee. Each year the Bar Exam Laptop Fee endowment fund covers the bar exam laptop fee for 8-12 students at each of the NC law schools. The grants are available for either/both the February and July bar exams. Law schools are invited to designate student recipients of this scholarship; the students’ records must be clear of any disciplinary actions. The Bar Exam Laptop Fee grant check will be issued jointly to the student and the law school and will be mailed to the school.
NC law school students who are interested in receiving an NCBF Bar Exam Laptop Fee grant should contact their law school career services office for more information.Â