2022 Impact Report
Uniting the talent and generosity of our profession to be a power of greater good for the people of North Carolina.

We offer our sincere and humble thanks to everyone who has given time, energy, resources and care to our many funds and programs. Significant access to justice needs exist in our state and we thank you for your help in meeting those needs, easing the pain of others and, in many cases, improving the future.
11,678 individuals were served through NCBF pro bono and civic education programs in 2021-22.
- 4ALL: 7,387 callers served by 373 volunteers
- CAREER FAIRS: 90 students served by 11 volunteers
- FREE LEGAL ANSWERS: 1,600 questions answered by 554 volunteers
- HOUSING STABILITY PROJECT: 774 referrals made by 115 volunteers
- LAWYERS AS GUEST SPEAKERS: 21 classrooms served by 16 volunteers
- LAWYERS FOR LITERACY: 22 videos created with 684 views
- MCINTYRE YOUTH LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE: 48 students served by 15 volunteers
- MIDDLE SCHOOL MOCK TRIAL: 70 students served by 15 volunteers
- ENTREPRENEURS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: 8 webinars held with 711 views
- PRO SE CUSTODY CLINIC: 10 clients served by 26 volunteers
- PATENT PRO BONO PROGRAM: 11 client cases closed by 21 volunteers
- WILLS FOR HEROES: 262 first responders served by 82 volunteers
The NCBF distributed $520,429 in Endowment Funds in 2021-22.
NCBF Endowment funds are distributed to statewide programs and organizations that advance NCBF values: access to justice, service through the profession, civic education, professionalism and diversity, equity and inclusion. Learn more.
Since its formation in 1987, the NCBF Endowment has provided more than $6 million in grant funding.
The North Carolina Bar Foundation values diversity, equity and inclusion.