2024 Impact
Uniting the talent and generosity of our profession to be a power of greater good for the people of North Carolina.
14,000+ individuals were served through NCBF pro bono and civic education programs in 2023-24.
- 4ALL: 6,999 callers served by 442 volunteers
- CAREER FAIRS: 100+ students served through 11 career fairs
- FREE LEGAL ANSWERS: 2,372 questions answered by 129 volunteers
- LAWYERS FOR LITERACY: 300 elementary school students served by 55 volunteers
- MCINTYRE YOUTH LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE: 44 student participants and 10 volunteers
- MIDDLE SCHOOL MOCK TRIAL: 92 student competitors and 21 volunteers
- ENTREPRENEURS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: 18 clients served from 17 attorney volunteers through 5 advice and counsel clinics and 4 informational webinars
- OPEN DOOR FELLOWSHIP: 2 fellowships rewarded from 9 applications; 6 career development programs offered
- PATENT PRO BONO PROGRAM: 4 client cases closed with extended service and 3 ongoing cases
- WILLS FOR HEROES: 215 NC first responder clients served and 738 documents produced by 192 WFH volunteers through 8 clinics
The NCBF distributed $545,034 in Endowment Funds in 2022-23.
NCBF Endowment funds are distributed to statewide programs and organizations that advance NCBF values: access to justice, service through the profession, civic education, professionalism and diversity, equity and inclusion. Learn more.