This article originally appeared in the May 2024 issue of North Carolina Lawyer Magazine. Read the complete article written by Russell Rawlings and view all NC Lawyer issues at Three new North Carolina Bar Foundation Endowment Justice Funds were dedicated on Thursday, May 16, during a Named Endowment Funds Dedication Ceremony at the N.C. Bar Center. The Justice Funds were established…
On Friday, May 3, 2024, four students participated in the final portion of the McIntyre Youth Leadership Challenge in downtown Raleigh. This event, in conjunction with the annual Law Day festivities held by the North Carolina Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division and the North Carolina Bar Foundation, celebrates middle and high school students who are striving to make a difference…
The NCBF Open Door Fellowship is a unique, competitive opportunity for first-year North Carolina law students. Open Door Fellows gain valuable, hands-on legal experience while widening their professional networks to “open doors” and prepare them for the next steps in their legal careers. We seek applications from first-year law students who have demonstrated a commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion…
With degrees in chemical engineering, Jennifer Knight didn’t set out to be an attorney, but when she decided to go to law school after working for a large corporation, she knew she would be a patent attorney. Now of counsel at Clements Bernard Walker, Jennifer feels strongly about the need to give back. “Securing my degree came with an obligation…
By Katherine Asaro, NCBA Pro Bono Committee Recognition Co-Chair “In general, I am a firm believer in “To whom much is given, much will be required.” I have been blessed with some skills and talents. Fortunately, I have been able to make a career using those skills and talents and I find it important to give back and be of…
When asked about her caseload as a mediator specializing in Workers’ Compensation and employment disputes, she replied, “It’s wild! I have a frenetic caseload!” Any mediator worth their salt can enjoy a great work/life balance, filling their calendar with as much work as they choose to accept. What distinguishes Kate from many of her colleagues is that she adds an…