COVID-19 Frontline Health Planning Project
The North Carolina Bar Foundation and the North Carolina Pro Bono Resource Center have launched the COVID-19 Frontline Health Planning Project to assist healthcare workers and other essential employees who are at the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pro bono attorneys will provide clients and their families with crucial legal protections by interviewing clients and preparing statutory advance directives remotely.
Two types of documents are being prepared at no cost, and clients can select either or both:
- Health Care Power of Attorney, which allows you to designate a Health Care Agent.
- Living Will, which provides your instructions to your doctors to either withhold or withdraw life-prolonging measures in certain circumstances.
This project is focused on providing services to healthcare workers and other essential workers impacted by COVID-19 who otherwise may not have access to legal services to secure these important documents.
If you have questions about this program, please email Leigh Wicclair at [email protected].