Fostering Partnerships for Wellness During COVID-19
The North Carolina Bar Foundation was proud to partner with the North Carolina Lawyers Assistance Program (LAP) and BarCARES to offer a free, two-part webinar series to support members of our profession during these difficult times.
On April 8, 2020, nearly 1,900 judges, lawyers, paralegals and law students participated in the program “Calm in the Storm: Tools to Keep Your Cool in the Corona Crisis,” presented by Laura Mahr of Conscious Legal Minds.
Mahr presented a second program on May 5, 2020, called “A Resilient Mindset: Consciously Recovering From the Corona Crisis.” Both programs helped remind members of the legal community that it is crucial to take time to care for one’s mental and physical health during these unprecedented times.
Chief Justice Beasley echoed the need for wellness as a part of her message to the profession on May 4:
“I hope that you are taking good care of yourself and being mindful of your own mental health needs, as well as those of your family and clients. Ours is a profession characterized by heavy pressures and those stresses have been dramatically elevated over the past two months. These are incredibly difficult times for us all.”
The mission of the NCBF is to unite the talent and generosity of the legal profession to be a power of greater good for the people of North Carolina. This mission is most powerfully executed when members of the legal profession practice self-care. BarCARES is an organization focused on improving mental health and overall quality of life for members of the legal profession in North Carolina. If you need help or would like additional information about the BarCARES program, please call (800) 640-0735.