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Legal Hotlines - COVID-19 Image for Handling a Virtual World

This article originally appeared in the November 2020‭ ‬issue of North Carolina Lawyer‭ Magazine. ‬Read the complete article written by Russell Rawlings and view all NC Lawyer issues at‭ ‬‭.‬ Serving the public, as the mission statement of the North Carolina Bar Association proclaims, has never been more important than now. To that end, the North Carolina Bar Foundation assembled…

Man signing a document with black pen

The North Carolina Bar Foundation and the North Carolina Pro Bono Resource Center have launched the COVID-19 Frontline Health Planning Project to assist healthcare workers and other essential employees who are at the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pro bono attorneys will provide clients and their families with crucial legal protections by interviewing clients and preparing statutory advance directives remotely. Two types of…

The North Carolina Bar Foundation was proud to partner with the North Carolina Lawyers Assistance Program (LAP) and BarCARES to offer a free, two-part webinar series to support members of our profession during these difficult times. On April 8, 2020, nearly 1,900 judges, lawyers, paralegals and law students participated in the program “Calm in the Storm: Tools to Keep Your…

adult woman viewing page of a children's picture book

The North Carolina Bar Foundation Lawyers for Literacy program volunteers help elementary school students improve their reading skills and expand their understanding of U.S. history and civics. Although in-school reading opportunities have been canceled in light of COVID-19, elementary students and their families can stream online educational stories video-recorded by Lawyers for Literacy volunteers. A dozen stories already have been…

The web-based NC Free Legal Answers pro bono program, offered by the North Carolina Bar Foundation, is an essential legal services tool during this time when the ability of clients and attorneys to meet together in person is limited by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through this remote-access program, low-income residents from every part of the state can ask legal questions to…